Information for Professionals

Information for Professionals

Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) has many A.A. members and service committees who are available to provide professionals with information about Alcoholics Anonymous. A.A. has a long history of cooperating but not affiliating with outside organizations and being available to provide A.A. meetings or information about A.A. upon request.

For professionals working with people who have special needs, we have A.A. material and literature in Braille, videos in American Sign Language, easy-to-read pamphlets, and much more.

At times, students seeking advanced education may have requirements or wish to learn more about A.A. programs and experiences. These individuals are encouraged to visit Open Meetings as a guest or contact the local Calumet Area Intergroup Service Office for more information.

If you would wish any further information about Alcoholics Anonymous you may contact the local Calumet Area Intergroup Central Service Office or you call/write our General Service Office at:

Alcoholics Anonymous
P.O. Box 459, Grand Central Station
New York, New York 10163
(212) 870 3400

Outside the United States and Canada, please contact the A.A. General Service Office found in the section “International General Service Offices.”

Contact Us

  •  Calumet Area Intergroup
    7207 Indianapolis Boulevard
    Hammond, IN 46324
  •  (219) 844-6695
  •  Office Hours
    Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
    Sunday - CLOSED