A.A. Meetings NWI & IL

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There are two distinct types of meetings - Open or Closed.

If you have the desire to stop drinking you may consider yourself an A.A. member and attend a Closed Meeting. Otherwise, you will be a welcome guest at an Open Meeting. Anyone can attend an Open Meeting.

Please do not attend Closed meetings if you don’t feel you have a problem, or if you don’t have a desire to stop drinking. In our printed Meeting Directory and on this Website all meetings are clearly marked as to whether they are Open or Closed.

Meeting Type Abbreviation Codes

C - Closed Meeting
O - Open / Speaker Meeting
BB - Big Book
12 - 12 Step Meeting
W - Women Only
M - Men Only
WCA - Wheelchair Accessible
D - Discussion
Clt - Candlelight
LGBTQ+ - Lesbian,Gay,Bi,Trans,Queer,+
SP - Spanish Speaking
Y - Young People

Sunday9:00AMC/DSunshine GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Sunday9:00AMCEye OpenerDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Sunday10:00AMOSerenity SeekersSerenity Club5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Sunday10:00AMC/DIronwoodUSW Local 10661221 East Ridge RoadGaryIN
Sunday10:00AMCHappy, Joyous & FreeFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Sunday10:00AMOBroadway BeginnersRegional Mental Health8555 Taft StMerrillvilleIN
Sunday10:00AMCIn The BeginningTwelve Step House913 Aetna StGaryIN
Sunday10:00AMC/DVictor E GroupVictor E Group793 JuniperSouth HavenIN
Sunday10:30AMOA New Way of LivingPortage Recovery Association6040 Lute RoadPortageIN
Sunday11:30AMO/DGratitude GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Sunday12:00PMCBy The BookFrancisican Hospital DyerRte. 30 A west entrace door 3ADyerIN
Sunday12:00PMCNooner's Home GroupZoom ID 384 573 1245 passcode 406 358
Sunday12:00PMCGriffith NoonerLARC201 North Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Sunday12:00PMC/DHigh NoonFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Sunday5:00PMOFree for AllDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Sunday5:00PMCThose who shall noy be namedFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Sunday5:00PMCPlymouth RockPlymouth Rock Church entrance right downstairs1845 Stanton AveWhitingIN
Sunday6:00PMC/SPGroupo Latinos en AA2939 Dekalb St2939 DeKalb StLake StationIN
Sunday6:00PMOGo To MeetingBass Lake Our Redeemer Lutheran Church1600 S Heaton St.KnoxIN
Sunday7:00PMC/DChanging DirectionLake Village Presbyterian Church9412 N 300W (Old Rt 41)Lake VillageIN
Sunday7:00PMCNew Salt PileSt. Joseph's ChurchHammondIN
Sunday7:00PMC/DFour Seasons GroupCross of Christ Lutheran ChurchCrown PointIN
Sunday7:00PMC/BBValparaiso GroupSt. Andrew's Episcopal Church505 E Bullseye Rd.ValparaisoIN
Sunday8:00PMCDam MeeetingLake Dalecarlia4665 Main StLowellIN
Sunday8:00PMCKeep It SimplePortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Sunday8:00PMCMerrillville Sunday NitePeace United Church1001 W 73rd AveMerrillvilleIN
Sunday8:00PMCHope GroupBethlehem Church2050 W 1100 NChestertonIN
Sunday8:00PMC/BB/12Easy Does itWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Sunday10:00PMODiscussion on Line
Sunday8:30AMOBrementown BreakfastSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Sunday9:00AMCBible StudyHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Sunday9:30AMOBurnham BreakfastBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Sunday10:00AMOTraining DayHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Sunday10:00AMOBrementown OpenSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Sunday10:30AMC24hr/ Daily ReflectionU Can 2 Club11005 South 76th AvenueWorthIL
Sunday11:00AMOBurnham OpenBurnham Fellowship13189 Green Bay Rd.BurnhamIL
Sunday12:00PMCSerenity KeepersHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th ScHarveyIL
Sunday12:00PMCNooner's Home GroupZoom ID 384 573 1245 passcode 406358
Sunday2:30PMOBeginners MeetingU Can 2 Club11005 South 76th AvenueWorthIL
Sunday3:00PMC/SPLa Estrella Del OrienteLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Sunday5:30PmCStick & StaySouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Sunday6:00PMLGBTQSober & OutLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Sunday6:00PMD/TopicEarly BirdsHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th SeHarveyIL
Sunday6:00PMBBBig Book StudyU Can 2 Club11005 South 76th AvenueWorthIL
Sunday6:30PMC/BBBig Book DiscussionBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Sunday7:00PMCSTIRCrete United Methodist Church1321 Main St.CreteIL
Sunday7:00PMC/SCamino de la Libertad13125 S. Western Ave.Blue IslandIL
Sunday7:00PMC/SCuarta Dimension A.A.12541 S Western AveBlue IslandIL
Sunday7:00PMCSpiritual Themes in RecoveryCrete United Methodist Church1321 Main StCreteIL
Sunday7:00PMCKeep It SimpleSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Sunday7:30PMC/DPark WestFirst Presbyterian Church900 Thomas St.Chicago HeightsIL
Sunday7:30PMCLamplighters TooFirst United Methodist Church18420 Burnham Ave. Door 8LansingIL
Sunday8:00PMCOne Day at a TimeU Can 2 Club11005 South 76th AvenueWorthIL
Monday7:00AMCSunrisersWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Monday9:00AMCWake Up CallPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Monday9:00AMCWomen's WaySt. Barnabas Church601 Potawatomi TrailGary
Monday10:00AMOEye OpenerSerenity Club5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Monday10:00AMCMorning GloryDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Monday10:00AMCLifeline GroupConference Line 1-917-900-1022password sober#
Monday10:00AMCH.O.W.Twelve Step House913 Aetna StGaryIN
Monday10:30AMCHammond ShiftworkersWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Monday11:30AMC/BBGratitude GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Monday12:00PMC/BBRockstars in RecoveryFirst United Methodist Church520 Commercial AveLowellIN
Monday12:00PMOLunch Break AAGrace learning Center1007 W 8th St.Michigan CityIN
Monday12:00PMCGriffith NoonerLARC201 North Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Monday12:00PMCHi NoonFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Monday12:00PMCNooner's Home GroupZoom ID 384 573 1245 passcode 406 358
Monday1:00PMC/DOne Life to LiveCSO7207 Indianapolis BlvdHammondIN
Monday5:30PMO/DPass the HatGloria Dei3711 Ridge RdHighlandIN
Monday5:30PMC/DAct of ProvidenceLARC201 N Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Monday5:30PMCDouble BubbleDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Monday5:30PMC/DSerenity GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Monday5:30PMC/WSimple SolutionsWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Monday7:00PMC/12&12Thankful Contemplation GroupChurch of Hessville6423 Arizona Ave.HammondIN
Monday7:30PMOBig Book StudySerenity Club5157 HarrisonGary
Monday7:00PMO/DCommon GroundFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Monday7:00PMONewcomers GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Monday7:00PMCLakeshore GroupLong Beach Community Center2501 Oriole TrailLong BeachIN
Monday7:00PMCBarker HallTrinity Episcopal Church600 Franklin StreetMichigan CityIN
Monday7:00PMCMiller-AetnaSt. Barnabas Church601 Potawatomi TrailGaryIN
Monday7:00PMC/WStep SistersThe Gathering NWI (next to Tyler Tender's)360 East Lincoln HwyScherervilleIN
Monday7:00PMC/12/12Monday Night Step MeetingChrist Lutheran2610 North CampbellValparaisoIN
Monday7:00PMC/SPPrimero de Mayo1106 West Chicago Ave.East ChicagoIN
Monday7:00PMC/SPSanta MariaEast Chicago Church4427 Olcott Ave,East ChicagoIN
Monday7:00PMCCedar LakeHoly Name Catholic Church11000W 133rd AveCedar LakeIN
Monday7:30PMO/ Step 1Ray of HopeRegional Mental Health8555 Taft StreetMerrillvilleIN
Monday7:30PMC/SPGroupo Latinos en AA2939 Dekalb StLake StationIN
Monday7:30PMCRoselawn FellowshipChurch (North of Lincoln School) Contact Chip @ (313) 717-9368Roselawn DrRoselawnIN
Monday7:30PMCPictures of HopeParkdale or Zoom 850-2376-4773 no passcode350 Indian Boundary RdChestertonIN
Monday7:30PMC/BBThe Steps We TookCrosspoint Church214 S Court StCrown PointIN
Monday8:00PMC/12Chesterton 12&12Bethlehem Chuch2050 W 1100 NChestertonIN
Monday8:00PMCGriffith GroupGloria Dei Church3711 Ridge Road,HighlandIN
Monday8:00PMC/MLiving in TodayPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Monday8:00PMC/BBMunster Big BookSt. Paul Episcopal Church1101 Park DriveMunsterIN
Monday8:00PMCSober SchoolFirst Christian Church9540 5th StHighlandIN
Monday8:30AMDCame to BelieveHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Monday8:30AMCBig Book StudyZoom ID 962 2978 3192 password 417371
Monday10:30AMCRenegadesFire StationGlenwood-Dyer RdLynwoodIL
Monday10:30AMCEye OpenerSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Monday10:30AMCBreakfast ClubLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Monday11:30AMCFresh StartHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Monday1:00PMCSearch for SerenitySouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Monday5:30PMCBurnham FellowshipBurnham Fellowship Club13819 Green Bay RdBurnhamIL
Monday6:00PMCBridge to ShoreSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Monday6:00PMC/Step/Tra19 Step GroupFlossmoor Community Church2218 Hutchison RoadFlossmoorIL
Monday6:30PMBBBig BookHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Monday7:00PMC/SPGrupo Tres Legados1226 S. HalstedChicago HeightsIL
Monday7:00PMC/SPLa Estrella del OrienteLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Monday7:00PMC/SPCuarta Dimension A.A.12541 S. Western Ave.Blue IslandIL
Monday7:00PMC/SPCamino de la Libertad13125 S. Western Ave.Blue IslandIL
Monday7:00PMZoomMonday Night Little Red BookZoom 7602957851password 419040
Monday7:30PMCFinal FrontierTrinity Lutheran (School behind church)18144 Glenn Terr StLansingIL
Monday7:30PMCBig Book 101Lake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Tuesday9:00AMCWake Up CallPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Tuesday9:30AMC/12Early BirdsWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Tuesday10:00AMCLittle Red BookSerenity Club5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Tuesday10:00AMCLifeline GroupConference Line 1-917-900-1022password sober#
Tuesday10:00AMCMorning GloryDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Tuesday10:30AMO/D/12A New BeginningSalvation Army799 Capitol RdValparaisoIN
Tuesday11:30AMC/DGratitude GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Tuesday12:00PMCGriffith NoonerLARC201 N Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Tuesday12:00PMCHi NoonFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Tuesday12:00PMCSobriety Thru 12 & 12Heartland Recovery Center2068 Lucas ParkwayLowellIN
Tuesday12:00PMOQuit Playing God320 S Calumet Rd.ChestertonIN
Tuesday12:00PMCNooner's Home GroupZoom ID 384 573 1245 passcode 406 358
Tuesday5:30PMC/WDyer Straights1st Presbyterian Church2501 Hart St.DyerIN
Tuesday5:30PMO/BBFirst 164 PagesLARC201 N Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Tuesday5:30PMCHappy HourImmanuel Presbyterian Church140 W Hwy 30ScherervilleIN
Tuesday5:30PMOUnity GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Tuesday5:30PMCDouble BubbleDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Tuesday5:30PMO5:30 Open Speaker GroupParkdale or Zoom 882-9655-4755 no passcode350 Indian Boundary RdChestertonIN
Tuesday5:30PMO/WNew BeginningsTrinity Lutheran, Baker Hall, Guild Room614 Franklin St.Michigan CityIN
Tuesday6:00PMCSouth Haven GroupFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Tuesday6:00PMCMama Tried2439 ChestnutPortageIN
Tuesday6:00PMLGBTQ/ Oliving FreeMetropolitan Community Church5579 Clem RoadPortageIN
Tuesday6:30PMOTuesday AARegional Mental Health EC3903 Indianapolis Blvd.East ChicagoIN
Tuesday7:00PMC/SPPrimero de Mayo1106 West Chicago Ave.East ChicagoIN
Tuesday7:00PMC/SPSanta MariaEast Chicago Church4427 Olcott Ave,East ChicagoIN
Tuesday7:00PMCKnox GroupSt. Thomas Aquinas Church406 E Washington StKnoxIN
Tuesday7:00PMC/12+12You Want To Stay SoberFairmeadow Nazarene Church1601 Fran Lin ParkwayMunsterIN
Tuesday7:00PMC/BBBookers 12&12YANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Tuesday7:00PMOSerenity Step GroupSerenity House5157 Harrison St.GaryIN
Tuesday7:00PMO/WCATuesday GroupSt. Peter Lutheran6540 CentralPortageIN
Tuesday7:00PMCBill W, GroupMoraine House353 LincolnwayValparaisoIN
Tuesday7:30PMCFrontier FellowshipSt. Mathias101 W Burrell Dr.Crown PointIN
Tuesday7:30PMC/BBThe Winners Circle238 Ridge RdMunsterIN
Tuesday7:30PMOShaky TableWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Tuesday7:30PMCDyer GroupDyer Presbyterian Church2501 Hart StDyerIN
Tuesday7:30PMC/SPGrupo Lantinos En A.A.2939 Dekalb StLake StationIN
Tuesday8:00PMC/O last wkThere is a SolutionFirst Presbyterian Church8727 Delaware St.HighlandIN
Tuesday8:00PMCHeartland GroupCommunity Presbyterian Church2800 Fayette StLake StationIN
Tuesday8:00PMCNorthwest GroupPeace United Church1001 W 73rd AveMerrillvilleIN
Tuesday8:00PMC/DChesterton Tues Night SoberBethlehem Church2050 W 1100 NChestertonIN
Tuesday8:00PMO/DRed BallPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Tuesday8:00PMC/BB/DHebron Big BookChristian Church of Hebron202 E Sigler StHebronIN
Tuesday8:00PMCRoselawn GroupRoselawn Library4421 IN-10RoselawnIN
Tuesday7:00AMC1 Day at a TimeSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Tuesday8:30AMC/12x1212 & 12Zoom ID 962 2978 3192 Password 417371
Tuesday10:30AMCStools & BottlesSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Tuesday10:30AMCLakeside PioneersAnnex behind the fire station3107 Glenwood-Dyer RdLynwoodIL
Tuesday10:30AMCMorning MeetingLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Tuesday10:30AMCNot So Early Early BirdsFellowship Baptist Church148 W 26th StSouth Chicago HeightsIL
Tuesday10:30AMCEye OpenerBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Tuesday10:30AMC/BBAlcoholics into ActionFellowship Baptist Church148 W 26th StSouth Chicago HeightsIL
Tuesday10:30AMCTuesday Morning MiraclesThornton Community Center701 HighlandThorntonIL
Tuesday10:30AMCTuesday Big BookFellowship Baptist Church148 W 26th StreetSouth Chicago HeightsIL
Tuesday5;00PMCWhiting No NameLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing Ave.ChicagoIL
Tuesday11:30AMDBy The BookHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Tuesday6:30PMCOne Day at a TimeHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Tuesday7:00PMCAs Bill Sees ItSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Tuesday7:00PMCOlympia Fields OptimistsFlossmoor Community Church2218 Hutchison Rd.FlossmoorIL
Tuesday7:00PMCSteel WorkersLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Tuesday7:00PMC/DHomewood Acceptance Groupentrance south side of school17951 Dixie HwyHomewoodIL
Tuesday7:00PMC/SPGrupo Tres Legados1226 S. HalstedChicago HeightsIL
Tuesday7:00PMC/SPCuarta Dimension A.A.12541 S. Western Ave.Blue IslandIL
Tuesday7:00PMC/SPCamino de la Libertad13125 S. Western Ave.Blue IslandIL
Tuesday7:00PMC/SPLa Estrella del OrienteLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Tuesday7:00PMCNitty GrittyBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Tuesday8:30PMC/YYoung PeopleSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Wednesday7:00AMCSunrisersWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Wednesday9:00AMC/BBBig Book StudyPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Wednesday9:30AMCEarly BirdsWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Wednesday10:00AMCShiftworkersTwelve Step House913 Aetna StGaryIN
Wednesday10:00AMCLifeline GroupConference Line 1-900-917-1022password sober#
Wednesday10:00AMCMorning GloryDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Wednesday10:00AMCSunlight of the SpiritImmanuel Presbyterian Church140 W Hwy 30ScherervilleIN
Wednesday10:00AMCSerenity FarmsSerenity Club (1st & 3rd Wednesday)5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Wednesday10:00AMOSerenity FarmsSerenity Club (2nd & 4th Wednesday)5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Wednesday10:30AMC 12 N 12Road to Happy DestinyFifth Street Club110 5th StreetWheelerIN
Wednesday11:30AMC/BBGratitude GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Wednesday12:00PMCGriffith NoonerLARC201 N Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Wednesday12:00PMCHi NoonFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Wednesday12:00PMCNooner's Home GroupZoom ID 384 573 1245 passcode 406 358
Wednesday5:30PMO/WStep SistersYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Wednesday5:30PMODouble BubbleDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Wednesday5:30PMCIron WoodGNS Center300 W 21stGaryIN
Wednesday6:00PMO/BB449 GroupFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Wednesday6:00PMCBig Book StudyFirst United Methodist Church121 E 7th StMichigan CityIN
Wednesday6:00PMCHappy Joyous and FreeFirst General Baptist Church2439 Chestnut StPortageIN
Wednesday6:00PMCU CAN 2The White House9335 Keilman, park in church lot off 93rdSt. JohnIN
Wednesday6:00PMOWheatfield Primary PurposeWheatfield Primary Purpose350 S Bierma StWheatfieldIN
Wednesday6:30PMC/DLighthouse Beginners GroupLighthouse Church13419 Parrish Ave.Cedar LakeIN
Wednesday7:00PMCGary Young PeopleSouthlake Church of the Nazarene7355 East Lincoln HwyCrown PointIN
Wednesday7:00PMONewcomers GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Wednesday7:00PMW/CDyer StraightsZoom 112-269-886 passcode 123456
Wednesday7:00PMC/BBLOFS Big BookCross of Christ Lutheran Church99 S County Line RdCrown PointIN
Wednesday7:00PMC/WThe Broad HighwayFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Wednesday7:00PMC/BBPrimary PurposeTrinity Lutheran201 Washington St.ValparaisoIN
Wednesday7:00PMCAcceptance GroupFifth Street Club110 5th St.WheelerIN
Wednesday7:00PMC/SPPrimero de Mayo1106 West Chicago Ave.East ChicagoIN
Wednesday7:00PMOThe JourneyRegional Mental Health3903 Indianapolis BlvdEast ChicagoIN
Wednesday7:00PMC/SPSanta MariaEast Chicago Church4427 Olcott AveEast ChicagoIN
Wednesday7:00PMCCouples in RecoveryFranciscan Health Dyer24 Joliet StreetDyerIN
Wednesday7:00PMCPorterPorter Methodist Church100 E Beam StPorterIN
Wednesday7:00PMLGBTQLiving FreeCall John B 219-789-1120HammondIN
Wednesday7:30PMCLighthouse GroupLighthouse Church13419 Parrish Ave.Cedar LakeIN
Wednesday7:00PMCKouts601 Rose St601 Rose StKoutsIN
Wednesday7:30PMC/SPGroupos Latinos en AA2939 Dekalb St2939 Dekalb StLake StationIN
Wednesday8:00PMCWe See TooSt. Mathias Church101 Burrell Dr.Crown PointIN
Wednesday8:00PMOGriffith OpenFranklin Center 2nd floor201 North Griffith Bivd.GriffithIN
Wednesday8:00PMCSober SchoolFirst Christian Church9540 5th StHighlandIN
Wednesday8:00PMC/DPlug-in-the-JugMethodist ChurchCommercial AveLowellIN
Wednesday8:00PMC/12Downtown GroupSt. Paul Episcopal Church1101 Park DriveMunsterIN
Wednesday8:00PMOWednesday OpenPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Wednesday8:30AMC/TMeditationHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th SrHarveyIL
Wednesday8:30AMCEarly BirdsZoom ID 962 2978 3192 password 417371
Wednesday10:30AMCMorning MeetingLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Wednesday10:30AMCWake Up CallSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Wednesday5:00PMC/WOrganized Chaos WomenSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Wednesday5:30PMCWow GroupBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Wednesday6:00PMC/D/TopicMid Week ReflectionLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Wednesday6:30PMCReminder GroupHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Wednesday6:30PMCJoy of LivingUnited Methodist1321 Main StreetCreteIL
Wednesday7:00PMC/SPLa Estrella del OrienteLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Wednesday7:00PMC/SPCamino de la Libertad13125 S. Western AveBlue IslandIL
Wednesday7:00PMC/SPCuarta Dimension A.A.12541 S Western AveBlue IslandIL
Wednesday7:30PMCLansing Big BookTrinity Lutheran (School behind church)18144 Glenn Terr StLansingIL
Wednesday7:00PMCW.A.N.A.St. Ann Church (Basement)3010 Ridge RdLansingIL
Thursday9:00AMCWake Up CallPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Thursday10:00AMCLifeline GroupConference line 1-900-917-1022
Thursday10:00AMCEye OpenerSerenity Club5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Thursday10:00AMC/125 After Group1st Christian Church1507 E Glendale BlvdValparaisoIN
Thursday10:00AMCT&T GroupMoraine House353 W LincolnwayValparaisoIN
Thursday10:00AMOMorning GloryDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Thursday10:00AMC/DSchererville 12&12Immanuel Presbyterian Church140 W Hwy 30ScherervilleIN
Thursday10:30AMC/BBHammond ShiftworkersWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Thursday10:30AMC/BBA Better WaySalvation Army799 Capitol Rd.ValparaisoIN
Thursday11:30AMC/DGratitude GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Thursday12:00PMC/BBGriffith NoonerLARC201 N Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Thursday12:00PMCHi NoonFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Thursday12:00PMC/12Step Into RecoverySt. Frances Church237 Porter AveChestertonIN
Thursday12:00PMC/1212&12@12Recovery Connection505 Don HoveyValparaisoIN
Thursday12:00PMCNooner's Home GroupZoom ID 384 573 1245 passcode 406 358
Thursday1:00PMC/WWomen's GroupFirst United Methodist Church6635 HohmanHammondIN
Thursday1:00PMCAfternoon DelightCSO7207 Indianapolis BlvdHammondIN
Thursday5:00PMCPlymouth RockPlymouth Rock Church right side downstairs1845 Stanton Ave.WhitingIN
Thursday5:30PMC/WOur GiftPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Thursday5:30PMC/DDouble BubbleDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Thursday5:30PMC/DSerenity GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Thursday5:30PMC/BB/12Work In ProgressImmanuel Presbyterian Church140 W Hwy 30ScherervilleIN
Thursday6:00PMCMen in the SolutionFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Thursday6:00PMO/DNewcomers NetworkLARC201 N Grifiith BlvdGriffithIN
Thursday6:00PMCBy The BookGrace LearningCenter1007 W 8th StreetMichigan CityIN
Thursday6:00PMC/Y/12Into ActionValparaiso Library103 Jefferson St.ValparaisoIN
Thursday6:00PMCBack to BasicsFather Heart Church2225 BroadwayGaryIN
Thursday6:30PMCNew Way GroupSt. Francis Church237 E 1200 NChestertonIN
Thursday7:00PMCNorth JudsonThe Lutheran Church810 W Talmer AveNorth JudsonIN
Thursday7:00PMC/BBMerriiville Big BookPeace United Church1001 W 73rd Ave.MerrillvilleIN
Thursday7:00PMCPromise SeekersWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Thursday7:00PMC/DMorocco FellowshipFirst United Methodist Church203 Clay StMoroccoIN
Thursday7:00PMCBuckeye GroupDeMotte Library901 Birch StreetDeMotteIN
Thursday7:00PMC/SPPrimero de Mayo1106 West Chicago Ave.East ChicagoIN
Thursday7:00PMC/SPSanta MariaEast Chicago Church4427 Olcott Ave,East ChicagoIN
Thursday7:30PMCDiscoveryFirst Presbyterian Church2501 Hart StDyerIN
Thursday7:30PMC/BBWinners Circle238 Ridge RoadMunsterIN
Thursday7:30PMCGood Ol A.A.Westminster Presbyterian Church8955 Columbia AveMunsterIN
Thursday8:00PMC/DTwenty Four Hours a DayFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Thursday8:00PMC/12Crown Point 12&12Trinity Lutheran Church250 S Hwy 55Crown PointIN
Thursday8:00PMCSober SchoolFirst Christian Church9540 5th StHighlandIN
Thursday8:00PMO/BBBig Book StudyPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Thursday8:30AMCWilling to go to any lengthsSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Thursday8:30AMCOur Primary PurposeHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Thursday10:30AMCLittle Red BookSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Thursday10:30AMCBill & Bob's Excellent AdventureLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Thursday11:30AMC12&12Harvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Thursday1:00PMOLiving SoberSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Thursday5:30PMC/BBNew Women's AACrete United Methodist Church1321 Main St.CreteIL
Thursday6:30PMCSurvivors GroupHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Thursday7:00PMCStep TakersLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Thursday7:00PMC/12&12Coming out of the DarknessSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Thursday7:00PMC/BBHomewood Big BookFlossmoor Community Church2218 Hutchison Rd.FlossmoorIL
Thursday7:00PMC/SPGrupo Tres Legados1226 S. HalstedChicago HeightsIL
Thursday7:00PMJoe&CharlieAcceptance is the AnswerBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Thursday7:00PMC/SPCamino de la Libertad13125 S. Western AveBlue IslandIL
Thursday7:00PMC/SPCuarta Dimension A.A.12541 S. Western AveBlue IslandIL
Thursday7:00PMC/SPLa Estrella del OrienteLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Thursday7:30PMC/DLansing IFirst United Methodist Church North Door18420 Burnham Ave.LansingIL
Friday7:00AMCSunrisersWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Friday9:00AMC/DWake Up CallPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Friday9:30AMCEarly BirdsWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Friday10:00AMCShiftworkersSerenity Club5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Friday10:00AMOMorning GloryDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Friday10:00AMC/DWay OutTrinity Lutheran201 N WashingtonValparaisoIN
Friday11:30AMC/12Gratitude GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Friday12:00PMCNooner's Home GroupZoom ID 384 573 1245 passcode 406 358
Friday12:00PMC/DGriffith NoonerLARC201 N Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Friday12:00PMC/DHi NoonFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Friday1:00PMC12 & !2First United Methodist Church520 Commercial Ave.LowellIN
Friday4:30PMODaily ReflectionsRecovery Connection505 Don HoveyValparaisoIN
Friday5:30PMO/StepAcceptanceYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StreetLaPorteIN
Friday5:30PMCDouble BubbleDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Friday6:00PMCHappy, Joyous & Smoke FreeFirst General Baptist Church2439 ChestnutPortageIN
Friday6:00PMC/DYANAFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Friday6:00PMO/1212&12 Study GroupSerenity Club5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Friday7:00PMC/12Straight to the PointNew Creation Church9738 5th StreetHighlandIN
Friday7:00PMO/DNewcomers GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Friday7:00PMC/DSober SistersZoom ID 846-1315-1166 passcode women
Friday7:00PMC/DVictor E GroupVictor E Group793 JuniperSouth HavenIN
Friday7:00PMCNodding AquaintanceFirst Methodist Church138 Franklin StValparaisoIN
Friday7:00PMOCentral MemorialFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Friday7:00PMC/SPPrimero de Mayo1106 West Chicago Ave.East ChicagoIN
Friday7:00PMC/SPSanta MariaEast Chicago Church4427 Olcott AveEast ChicagoIN
Friday7:00PMC/TopicFriday Night HeartbeatsHeartland Wellness Center2068 Lucas PkwyLowellIN
Friday7:30PMCHope GroupFirst United Lutheran Church6705 Hohman AveHammondIN
Friday7:30PMCDyer GroupDyer Presbyterian Church2501 Hart StDyerIN
Friday7:30PMCSpirit in MotionDyer United Methodist Church2016 Church StreetDyerIN
Friday8:00PMC/WCASoutheasternOur Lady of Perpetual Hope71325 ArizonaHessvilleIN
Friday8:00PMCPeace GroupChurch1001 W 73rd AveMerrillvilleIN
Friday8:00PMCChesterton Friday NightSt. John's United Church3rd & LincolnChestertonIN
Friday8:00PMC/DHebron FellowshipChristian Church of Hebron202 E Sigler StHebronIN
Friday8:00PMOSpeaker MeetingPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland AvePortageIN
Friday8:00PMO/DW.A.I.R.The WAIR Recovery Cafe1912 US 20Michigan CityIN
Friday8:00PMC/D/MSobriety 101First Christian Church9540 5th StHighlandIN
Friday8:00PMO/LitAA AgentsThe WAIR Recovery Cafe1912 US 20MIchigan City 2nd FloorIN
Friday8:00PMCWeekly ReflectionsSt. Paul Episcopal Church1101 Park DriveMunsterIN
FridayMidnightAMOFree For AllPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland Ave.PortageIN
Friday7:00AMCFree At LastSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Friday8:30AMCGetting out of OurselvesZoom ID 962 2978 3192 password 417371
Friday10:30AMCMorning MeetingLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Friday10:30AMCTGIF Step MeetingSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Friday11:30AMC/DWillingnessHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Friday4:30PMC/WA Woman's Way in RecoverySouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Friday5:30PMCFriday Night Happy HourBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Friday6:30PMC/12RebelsHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Friday7:00PMCLake Edge GroupLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Friday7:00PMC/SPGrupo Tres Legados1226 S. HalstedChicago HeightsIL
Friday7:00PMC/SPCamino de la Libertad13125 S. Western AveBlue IslandIL
Friday7:00PMC/SPCuarta Dimension A.A.12541 S. Western AveBlue IslandIL
Friday7:00PMC/SPLa Estrella del OrienteLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Friday7:00PMC/MHomewood 17 Animal HouseSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Friday8:00PMCLansing PercolatorsBethel Christian Reformed Church3500 Glenwood-Lansing RdLansingIL
Friday8:00PMCTri-VillageSt. Andrews Lutheran Church845 W Strieff LnGlenwoodIL
Friday9:00PMOThe 62'sBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Friday9:00PMCMisfitsSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Saturday8:00AMCFirst One of the DayGloria Dei Church3711 Ridge RoadHighlandIN
Saturday8:00AMC/BBWay Too Early Big Book StudySt. Paul Lutheran Church8601 Harrison Ave (Entrance Door C)MunsterIN
Saturday8:00AMOEighth Hour(Oct-May) Ogden Dunes Historical Society8 Lupine LaneOgden DunesIN
Saturday8:00AMOEighth HourJune-Sept. Portage Lake Front Pavilon1200 Riverwalk DrPortageIN
Saturday8:30AMO/BBOur Primary PurposeOur Lady Of Perpetual Help Rear Entrance7132 Arizona AveHammondIN
Saturday9:00AMC/WRock Steady RecoveryHoly Name Catholic Church11000 W 133rd AveCedar LakeIN
Saturday9:00AMCSober SaturdayFirst Christian Church9540 5th StHighlandIN
Saturday9:00AMOSaturday Morning Open StepTrinity Episcopal Church, Barker Hall, Guild Room614 Franklin St.Michigan CityIN
Saturday9:00AMCEye OpenerDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Saturday9:00AMC/DGratitude GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Saturday9:00AMCWhite House GroupPark in rear of the Church9335 KeilmanSt. JohnIN
Saturday9:00AMC/12Saturday12&12Parkdale or Zoom 860-5068-4335 no passcode350 Indian Boundary RdChestertonIN
Saturday10:00AMCAcceptanceTwelve Step House913 Aetna StGaryIN
Saturday10:00AMW/OSerenity Women's GroupSerenity Club5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Saturday10:00AMCSouthlake BeginnersRegional Mental Health8555 West TaftMerrillvilleIN
Saturday10:00AMCShiftworkersWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Saturday10:00AMCVictor E GroupVictor E Group793 JuniperSouth HavenIN
Saturday10:00AMCUngodly HourMoraine House353 W LincolnwayValparaisoIN
Saturday10:00AMCSaturday Morning SeekersFirst General Baptist Church2439 ChestnutPortageIN
Saturday10:30AMC/WThe Broad HighwayFifth Street Club110 5th stWheelerIN
Saturday10:30AMCFellowship of the SpiritSt. Paul Lutheran Church8601 HarrisonMunsterIN
Saturday11:00AMC/WWomen's Support GroupSerenity Club5157 HarrisonGaryIN
Saturday11:00AMC/BBBig Book StudyFirst United Methodist Church520 East Commercial Ave. 3rd FloorLowellIN
Saturday12:00PMC/DGriffith NoonerLARC201 N Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Saturday12:00PMC/DHigh NoonFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Saturday12:00PMCNooner's Home GroupZoom ID 384 573 1245 passcode 406 358
Saturday12:00PMO/WWoman's MeetingAmber's House316 East 7th StreetMichigan CityIN
Saturday5:30PMC/12Double BubbleDunes House211 E 6th StMichigan CityIN
Saturday6:30PMOLiving SoberWoodmar United Methodist Church7320 Northcote AveHammondIN
Saturday6:30PMC/YGuardians of the FellowshipLARC201 N Griffith BlvdGriffithIN
Saturday7:00PMC/SPPrimero de Mayo1106 West Chicago Ave,East ChicagoIN
Saturday7:00PMCFour Seasons GroupCross of Christ Lutheran ChurchNE Corner of County Line Rd and 109thCrown PointIN
Saturday7:00PMOJasper OpenFirst Presbyterian Church220 N CullenRensselaerIN
Saturday7:00PMOPhoenix GroupPortage Recovery Association5965 McCasland Ave,PortageIN
Saturday7:00PMOPorter County OpenChrist Lutheran Church2610 N Campbell Rd.Door 20ValparaisoIN
Saturday7:30PMOCandlelight GroupYANA Service Club1621 Roberts StLaPorteIN
Saturday8:00PMCRange LineRange Line Presbyterian Church18095 Clay StHebronIN
Saturday8:00PMCIndependence HillFirst Presbyterian Church7898 Taft StMerrillvilleIN
Saturday8:00PMOHighland OpenNew Life Christian Reformed3010 Ridge RdHighlandIN
Saturday8:30PMCSaturday Night Live GroupCloister in the Woods1101 Park Dr.MunsterIN
Saturday9:00PMO/DCampfire & CandlelightFifth Street Club110 5th StWheelerIN
Saturday8:15AMCMemorial Group461 Harrison AvenueCalumet CityIL
Saturday8:30AMCBasic TrainingSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Saturday8:30AMDLittle Red BookHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Saturday9:00AMORoadrunners Open BreakfastAbundant Christian Living Center14540 Lincoln Ave,DoltonIL
Saturday10:30AMCSaturday Morning LiveSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Saturday10:30AMC/SPLa Estrella del OrienteLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Saturday10:30AMCFellowshipBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Saturday10:30AMCI Can't We CanLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Saturday12:00PMDLadies/Men GroupHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Saturday2:30PMOSerenity & SpiritualityHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th St.HarveyIL
Saturday3:00PMC/MMen in RecoverySouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Saturday4:30PMCWomen's GroupBurnham Fellowship13819 Green BayBurnhamIL
Saturday6:30PMCCome as You AreHarvey 100 Club114 E 155th StHarveyIL
Saturday7:00C/SPCamino de la Libertad13125 S. Western Ave.Blue IslandIL
Saturday7:00PMC/SPGrupo Tres Legados1226 S. HalstedChicago HeightsIL
Saturday7:00PMCWinners ChoiceSouth Suburban Alano Club2029 HillviewChicago HeightsIL
Saturday7:00PMOSaturday Night OpenLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL
Saturday7:00PMC/SPLa Estrella del OrienteLake Edge Alano Klub10105 Ewing AveChicagoIL

Fellowship Clubs

Burnham Fellowship Club

13819 Green Bay
Burnham, Illinois 60633
(708) 891-9467

Dunes Fellowship

211 East 6th Street
Michigan City, Indiana 46360
(219) 879-5663

Portage Recovery Association (PRA)

5965 McCasland Ave.
Portage, Indiana 46368

Moraine House

353 W. Lincolnway
Valparaiso, Indiana 46383
(219) 464-9983

Serenity Club

5157 Harrison St.
Gary, Indiana 46408
(219) 980-1955

Fifth Street Club

110 - 5th Street
Wheeler, Indiana 46393
4 miles East of Hobart on Rt. 130

Lake Edge Alano Klub (LEAK)

10105 Ewing Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60617

Lake Area Recovery Club (LARC)

201 North Griffith Blvd.
Griffith, Indiana 46319
Door "H" off Broad St.
(219) 595-0068

Twelve Step House

913 Aetna St.
Gary, Indiana 46403

South Suburban Alano Club (SSAC)

2029 Hillview Dr.
Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411
(708) 748-3324

Harvey 100 Club

114 East 155th Street
Harvey, Illinois 60426

YANA Service Club

1621 Roberts St.
La Porte, Indiana 46350
(219) 324-2202

Contact Us

  •  Calumet Area Intergroup
    7207 Indianapolis Boulevard
    Hammond, IN 46324
  •  (219) 844-6695
  •  office@aanwi.org
  •  Office Hours
    Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
    Sunday - CLOSED