About Calumet Area Intergroup

Organizational Structure and Responsibilities

The purpose of the Calumet Area Intergroup is a partnership among groups of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) in the Calumet Area, just as A.A. groups are partnerships of individuals.

The Calumet Area Intergroup is composed of representatives of each group of A.A. in the Calumet Area. Among these representatives, a Steering Committee is selected to guide and counsel the affairs and services of the Central Services Office. Other sub-committees also exist to provide specific types of support.

The Calumet Area Intergroup is responsible for all local A.A. service, such as:

  • A.A. Inquiries
  • Office facilities
  • Information exchange
  • Public information
  • A.A. in hospitals and treatment centers
  • A.A. in institutions
  • Meeting lists
  • Local A.A. events
  • A.A. bulletin/newsletter

The Central Service Office

The purpose of the Central Service Office is to serve as a physical location with established business hours, to receive, distribute, and follow up on 12 step calls, to answer inquires about A.A., and to cooperate with local public information committees.

Central Service Office also maintains information about local hospitals and recovery facilities for alcoholics. We provide local A.A. meeting lists, a newsletter, and we order, sell, and distribute A.A. literature.

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Call the Calumet Area Intergroup at (219) 844-6695 anytime, day or night, to reach volunteers if you need help, support, or information about A.A. meetings and programs.

Contact Us

  •  Calumet Area Intergroup
    7207 Indianapolis Boulevard
    Hammond, IN 46324
  •  (219) 844-6695
  •  office@aanwi.org
  •  Office Hours
    Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
    Sunday - CLOSED